The minimum requirements for students in most courses include a computer with a current web browser, email address, the software capability to submit assignments as Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) documents, and access to the Internet preferably using high-speed NBN, ADSL, Cable or similar.
We strongly recommend a computer less than 3 years old.
Students can create their profile, email address, mobile address and USI here in student portal. You can pay fee online, get receipts and can check payment history, You can download various froms required during Your studies, You can check individual class timetables/schedules as well as ECA college email communication history, can see Your attendance and results.
Username:Your student number
Password:date of birth (DDMMYYYY) e.g. 24051998
To recover your Student Portal password, contact ECA college Student Services at [email protected] or call at 02-87663570
Note: Your Student portal, LMS (Canvas passwords are initially the same but updating your password on each of the systems won’t update it on other systems automatically. You need to update your password on each system separately.
You should be able to reset your own password on Student Portal by clicking on the “Forgot password” at the top right corner of the Student Portal login page.
If you can’t reset your Student Portal password for any reason, pls contact student services